This Sunday we begin a new message series. We will attempt to take that which is the most unfathomable and profound and attempt to present it in a simple and uncomplicated manner. This series will be about the Bible.
We’ve titled the series, World’s Best Seller. And rightly so, it’s earned that title since Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press and printed the Gutenberg Bible in 1455.
We’ll attempt to cover various topics about the Bible such as its authenticity, canonization and perseverance to name a few. We’ll talk about the people who shed their blood in order for you to hold a copy of God’s word in your hands. Our objective is to get you to VALUE and HONOR the book of life – the manual for living – God’s instruction for us!
Don’t miss out!
Here’s our message video intro… Enjoy!
[wpvideo gwEb6BmZ]