Manny Rivera

Are You a Bored Christian?

by | May 18, 2016 | Uncategorized

Have you ever thought about putting your “Christianity” to work as in the days of the early New Testament church? I’ve seen documentaries and have read the stories of men and women having incredible God experiences when attempting to do something that ONLY God can do through them. I’m convinced that most American Christians suffer from a severe case of boredom. I know there are serious issues in our country and our faith gets tested everyday, but in comparison to the rest of the world, we fall a bit short. I’m a firm believer that every Christian should take a short-term mission trip. It’s always healthy for our faith to develop a global Kingdom perspective.

When the opportunity came for me to respond about going on a one-week trip to help aid and minster to the earthquake victims of Ecuador, I had to respond quickly. I discerned it was a Godopportunity. I really felt, in my heart, that we needed to go! I heard God speak to me that He was going to provide for everything and lead us exactly to who and to where we needed to go.

I have to say, this will be the most primitive trip I’ve taken. My “mission trips” usually have me stay in hotels and preach in churches.  This trip will have me sleep on the streets (camping in tents) as well as preach on the streets.  We will be renting trucks and filing them up with food, transporting them to the “ground zero” areas of the earthquake.   We will be also helping two churches that were severely affected.

We covet your prayers. We’re certain that if we have a strong prayer base all will go well. I know the risk level is high. While writing this blog, I received breaking news that another earthquake (6.7) just occurred two hours north of where we will be. We ask that you keep us before the Father in prayer for the following:

  1. Divine appointments and God moments of miracles, signs and wonders.
  2. Protection from harm, danger and disease.
  3. The BUDGET to be met. We are still short, but we know God will use you to give.
  4. Our families to be protected at home.

Our Team:

Manny Rivera, Calysta Rivera, Jonathan Olivardia. Junior Ramirez. Luis Garcia. Javier Navas. Carla Navas. Bobby Chance. Brian Benette

3 Ways You Can Give:

  1. Mail check to:  5721 NW 159th Street, Miami Lakes, Fl 33014

2. Online: Log on to click on “give” icon.  Designate to “missions.”

     3. GoFundMe:






Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

Copyright © 2025 Manny Rivera. All Rights Reserved.