Manny Rivera

Feeding Season

As you may well know, my writing has been somewhat infrequent this past month.  I haven’t been writing as often as I used to in the past.  The truth is that I believe I’m in a feeding season.  As people of the Kingdom and ministers in particular, we should...

Finishing with a Bang!

It was great being “behind  the pulpit” this past Sunday.  I love to minister to our Impact Church family!  Yesterday, we began our last message series for the year -wow, I can’t believe we’re in the last month of the year!  I’m not known...


We are very excited about our upcoming message series, “THE GIFT.” Christmas has always been the best time of the year for our family.  This time during the month of December,  we’re going to “unwrap” it’s meaning and power!   You...

Do You Have a Poverty Mentality?

I believe in prosperity. I believe in the prosperity Gospel.   I’m a prosperity preacher.  And if that’s offensive to you then it’s because it’s offensive to your mindset.  That’s the only way anyone gets offended.  Could it be that your approach and frame of...

got questions?

We’re implementing a new method in our teaching and preaching  ministry at Impact Church.  The Sundays that fall between message series, we’ll employ a “got questions?” message. In the “got guestions?” message, we’ll try to...

Yes, It’s Free!!

I’m super excited about our church-wide outreach this Saturday.  We will cause a stir in the community as we impact hundreds of people by giving them a FREE car wash, pizza and drinks. Our attempt is to have a captured audience under a tent waiting while we wash...