by Manny Rivera | Oct 22, 2012 | Church, Doctrine, Motivation
My wife Victoria sent me this short story the other day. When I read it, it gripped my heart. I’m concerned… why are there so many “Bible believing Christians” desensitized with ABORTION. As a nation, we are killing our babies out of...
by Manny Rivera | Jul 19, 2012 | Doctrine
Our mind operates according to the quality of exposure we give to it. As long as we’re living, we’ll always expose our minds to something. The question here is: What are you exposing your mind to? Is it healthy? Is it noble? Is it challenging? Our...
by Manny Rivera | May 23, 2012 | Church, Doctrine
This Sunday, we begin our IMPACT OLYMPICS! It’s going to be BIG and WILD! Can’t wait!!! The goal of these olympics is to create a cohesion within our congregation. And this cohesion forms community. Here’s the definition of community”...
by Manny Rivera | May 21, 2012 | Doctrine, Motivation
Jesus said many times, “He who has an ear let him hear.” According to the Bible, God has been communicating with us since the beginning. When God seems silent, it’s not that He stopped speaking to us rather it’s us that stopped listening to him. God is continually...
by Manny Rivera | May 2, 2012 | Doctrine, Leadership, Motivation
The message of the Kingdom of God has always been and will forever be difficult to swallow. The ways of God’s kingdom are contrary and opposing to our nature. That’s why Jesus had to be the greatest “shock jock” of all time. A shock jock is generally a speaker whose...
by Manny Rivera | Apr 30, 2012 | Doctrine, Motivation
There are many requisites in life that require prerequisites. A requisite is a necessary and appropriate component for a specific purpose. For example, walking is a requisite for living. Although many people have lived successful lives without walking, their...