Manny Rivera

HOLY WEEK – Tuesday & Wednesday

I love Holy Week.  This is a great season for those who trust in Christ.  It’s during this time that the Bible comes alive in me.  I know… there are many out there that say, “Every week should be Holy Week!”   True. But the reason holidays are set apart is because...


Today is Holy Monday.  The next day, after the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), Jesus demonstrates to us the principle of the cursed fig tree.  Anything that does not produce fruit is disconnected from its original intent, therefore dying a slow death. ...

Holy Week Begins – Palm Sunday

Holy Week began yesterday on what we call Palm Sunday, the Triumphal Entry.  Let’s observe and meditate on the days before his crucifixion and resurrection.  I’m placing a scripture that pertains to each day of Holy Week. This was the day Jesus entered into Jerusalem...

To Honor is to…

To honor is to value, to honor to deem worthy.  To honor is to acknowledge, to honor is to submit. To honor is to recognize, to honor is to pursue. To honor is to align oneself, to honor is to follow protocol. To honor is to respect, to honor is revere.  To honor is...

Culture of Honor Misunderstanding

As we learn about the culture of honor in our church, I know there are many misconceptions about this subject floating around.  It’s very easy to be critical of the things we don’t fully understand.   Misconceptions always appear to be delusional; we’re always...


Much is said about positioning and placement in the Kingdom of God.  As believers, it’s very healthy to have an understanding as to whose we are, where we belong and what we’re supposed to do.  The understanding of purpose and the realization of destiny are founded on...