Manny Rivera

The Normalcy Bias

As a pastor, I’m a student of human behavior.  The mind of man is very fickle and unpredictable.  We are definitely very unique.  We are the most intelligent species on earth, but our mental aptitude and intelligence is so extreme that it breeds unintelligence. ...

Striving to Attain = Striving to Maintain

I’m beginning to learn certain things when it comes to succeeding in what I do… First of all, I’ve come to a personal revelation of what true “kingdom success” is.  Success, in its simplest form, is not self-promoting or aggrandizing – actually, it’s the...

Passion + Problems = Purpose

I was reading blog stats of the past couple of years and realized that this blog post received the most hits and comments.  With that in mind, I figured I’ll go back to come “old school”  and repost it again.  For all my new subscribers (and old...

The Habit of Finishing

It is not how you begin but it is how you end.    The ability to finish is the key to proper transitions in life.  God will never trust a person in a higher level of living if that person has not been faithful in completing his objectives in the prior level....

The Discipline of Discipleship

Our ultimate call and purpose boils down to the making of disciples.  Everything we “do” and all of what we “become,” when broken down to its lowest common denominator, should be about the making of disciples.  Regardless of your career, cultural background or...