Manny Rivera



As a leader of a congregation, one of the easiest and dangerous things to do is fall into the trap of monotony and repetitiveness.   Our human nature is naturally inclined to move towards ritualistic and mechanical behavior.  We have a tendency to create our own...

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Stay Thirsty My Friends

“As long as you're alive, you will never graduate!” I still remember these words spoken by Dr Richardson.  I was sitting in the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit class at Southeastern University in 1990.  I was taken back when I first heard this and rightly so, for it was...

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My Writing Season

As many of you have noticed, I’ve had my blogging in hiatus mode.  The reason for it is that I’ve been concentrating on my next book.  That was my thought on putting my blogs on ice.  I was wrong.  I’ve learned that blogging breaks the “writer’s block.”  Therefore,...

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The Heart of an Intercessor

I wanted to share this with you.  It comes from Maritza Cruz-Capeles.  She's a member of our Preaching and Prayer team.  As part of the training in those teams, it's their responsibility to share what God has been saying and doing in their lives.  I was moved by her...

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It’s All About Teams

This year I feel directed, by the Lord, to build our church by focusing on building teams.  I’ve literally surrounded myself with four teams that I’m personally building and leading.  And it’s through these teams that I intend to reach the next level of influence in...

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Observing Lent with Impact Church

I’ve come to realize that many evangelicals, especially those that have recently come into the faith the last ten years, have never heard of various Christian traditions.   I’ve also recognized that in the geographical area God has called me to, which is still one of...

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International Food Festival

I'm very excited about our upcoming city-wide outreach.  As a church, it's our mandate to LOVE OUR CITY.  And there's no other way to love our city than to gather hundreds of people to a celebration of diversity, culture, music and food.  As people gather, we will be...

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800 Pound Gorilla or Elephant in the Room

Join us for every Sunday morning in the month February as we attempt to explore the vast subject of THE HOLY SPIRIT.  I've come to realize that in most churches, especially ours, He's the unrecognized, untapped and unaddressed  "800 pound gorilla" or the "elephant in...

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Tomorrow, I'm sharing a message that has brought me though many tight places in the past.  I feel it's a timely message for our church tomorrow. And in case you were wondering, not all the messages that I preach are new messages.  There are some sermons that I will...

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Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

Copyright © 2025 Manny Rivera. All Rights Reserved.