Manny Rivera



Honor means to hold in high esteem, to regard with great respect, to revere, to deem valuable and worthy.  Honor can be applied in many ways to many things. Honor is an attitude that must come from the heart. And since there are many forms and ways to honor, I believe...

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I'm lost for words... I'm at awe.  I guess I can use the word, "WOW!" We're continuing to build a culture  of prayer and intercession that 's bringing about much needed results.  We're petitioning God to touch our region with signs and wonders and miracles.  We are...

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In the last several days, I’ve come to experience a different facet on fasting.  Now, I’ve never been one to fast on a continuous basis.  For me, fasting must be led by the Holy Spirit.  I have too big of a love affair with food.  But when the Lord has led me to fast...

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It’s The Truth…

Jesus said it in John 8:32, ”The truth will set you free…” I’ve seen God’s truth materialize in people countless of times.  It’s brought great freedom to people I know and to my life as well. I’ve also heard people say, “Before truth sets you free, it’ll beat "the...

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The Landmarks of Fathers

During my morning reading, I came across a verse that fired my synaptic activity.  It caused me to meditate on kingdom truth and generational transfer. Do not move the ancient boundary, which your fathers have set. (Proverbs 22:28)    All throughout scripture the...

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I confess.  I’m a very hardheaded individual.   My “hardheadedness” has caused me to neglect many opportunities.  And, as always, these are recognized by our infamous hindsight.  It’s in meditating on hindsight that we become conscious of our patterns of negligence...

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Old School vs New School

I still believe that the only thing that changes cities is the POWER of GOD!  We live in the age of postmodernism and the church is beginning to embraced it wholeheartedly.  There is nothing wrong with change.  I’m a firm believer that kingdom methods change with the...

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Ready to View! Enjoy!

Our Easter presentation is up and ready for viewing. We waited a week to post it because we ran it for the following week as well. Its core message is about HONOR and about BETRAYAL.  It’s about the predilection we all carry in our hearts concerning the two. Do we all...

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JOIN US – National Day of Prayer!

Tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer.  We've been invited, as a church, to attend this  city-wide prayer service in honor of this day.  I know we normally announce things ahead of time, but we were just given this opportunity yesterday.  I been given the privilege...

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Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

Copyright © 2025 Manny Rivera. All Rights Reserved.