Manny Rivera


Life is a Theme Park

In a couple of days, I think Victoria and I are going to experience the early signs of “Empty Nest Syndrome.” Currently all my children are home but at the end of the week, Calysta goes back to Los Angeles to finish her senior year at college, Zion goes to Boston for...

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The Fight for the Inner Room

I’m in a season where I’m being challenged in creating a greater environment of intimacy with God. More than ever, I hear a call for me to separate myself to the inner room - some call it the secret place. I pray. I pray throughout the day…I pray continually…. But...

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That “One Thing” Holding You Back

What's holding you back from freedom?  What's holding you back from pursuing your purpose? We all usually have this "one thing" that we harbor. This "one thing" prevents us from ever entering what God has for us. This “one thing” is the culprit that's blocking our...

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Worry v/s Meditate

The only way we grow in our relationship with Christ is through prayer and meditating on His Word. And the only way we’ll know how to pray is by creating a daily habit of feeding on the Word. I’ve come to the conclusion that a believer who doesn’t read and study the...

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The Two Common Lies

Evil is deception. From the beginning, the concept of evil has always been the deceptive and contradictory voice of Satan and his domain. Satan is not what we project him to be. He’s not a humongous monstrosity with fangs, horns and a pitchfork; on the contrary, he’s...

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Pardon Our Dust

Our lives should always be a "work in progress." I love what the apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:6, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.  It's a good work because when He is...

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Why We Lose Focus and Momentum

As a Pastor of a growing congregation, I spend a lot of time contemplating why people lose spiritual focus and momentum. One of my greatest frustrations is seeing people receive a breakthrough one week and lose it the following week! I’ve come to one conclusion and...

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Telescopes v/s Microscopes

Telescopes are more popular than microscopes. We’re fascinated with them. Telescopes have a grandiose reputation. They display the wonders of the universe and give us front row seats to things we can’t touch with our hands or see with our eyes. They bring the far...

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Where is Your Trust Tied?

I’ve been a student of adversity for some time now. I’ve observed how people are either overcome by adversity or overwhelmed by it. I’ve studied both Christians and agnostics in how they deal with adversity, hardship and difficulty – whether it’s a loss of a loved...

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Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

Copyright © 2025 Manny Rivera. All Rights Reserved.