Manny Rivera


by | Jun 28, 2010 | Doctrine | 36 comments

I couldn’t resist the temptation last week to comment on an individual’s Facebook status.  The status was in a form of a question that exasperated me.  And my comments to it seemed to ignite a Facebook thread debate. The status read, Does church do to people what zoos do to animals… make them tame, safe and predictable?” Although it was an honest question, it needed to be semantically answered and altered.  The term “church” should not have been used rather “religion” instead.

The comments after the question brought out of me a holy rage.  The status caused a posse of disgruntled and embittered Christians to begin to complain about and mock churches and churchgoers.  Unfortunately, there is an “anti-church” movement in our country.   And we would think the atheist agenda or the satanic church fuels it but unfortunately that’s not the case, the movement originates from these very Christians.

Regrettably, “church hurt” serves as the main source of fuel to this agenda.  Unchecked offenses, injuries and wounds have a way of causing people to justify their reasons as to why they never want to step inside a church.  These people claim they are born-again and love God, but confess that they don’t want or need to associate, connect or link-up with other believers, especially those that attend a church.

The truth is that churches are filled with imperfect people.  We all have the capacity to hurt, offend, injure, lie, disappoint and frustrate people.  But when our focus is on God and not man, the Lord will, I turn, give us the ability forgive, encourage, nurture, and ultimately love – “which cover a multitude if sins.” (1 Peter 4:8).

I despise religion as much as the next person, and although religion can’t be religious without people, I’m not allowed to hate people, for it contradicts the character of Christ in me.  Although it was the “religious church people” who had Jesus crucified, it was those very people in whom Christ died for.  And it was Jesus, while being nailed to the cross, which said, “…forgive them, for they not know what they do.”   And since HE is the “head of the church,” I can’t see myself being disconnected from the body. Doesn’t make sense.

Anxious to read your thoughts,

Pastor Manny

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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