Manny Rivera


by | May 19, 2011 | Doctrine | 4 comments

In the last several days, I’ve come to experience a different facet on fasting.  Now, I’ve never been one to fast on a continuous basis.  For me, fasting must be led by the Holy Spirit.  I have too big of a love affair with food.  But when the Lord has led me to fast and I was obedient, great things occurred in me.

I know there are volumes written on fasting and I won’t attempt to expound on those.  But allow me to give to you my personal take on fasting…

Fasting is completely mentalIt’s a mental exercise.  Fasting is a purposed selfdenial of the flesh.   It’s an exercise of dominance; a challenge of who’s really in control.   The act of fasting helps to keep divine order in the life of a believer.

When we fast, we commence an all out “flesh management” campaign.  Our appetite is an everyday occurrence that controls our moods and behavior. We crave, desire and lust for sustenance.  Our bodies are controlled by it. This is how we’re wired; we need it for survival.  And by denying it of its privilege, we begin a war within the seedbed of our soul – the mind.

On the other hand, our spirit man doesn’t require food.  It has no cravings and appetites like our soul.  Fasting strengthens flow of the spirit man by placing the flesh under subjection.   Fasting helps us to bring about a release of the Spirit of God which cohabitates with our spirit man.

Always remember, the Spirit of God needs your flesh in order to manifest Himself.  But the flesh must be subdued.  And fasting is the primary way of doing this.

Allow fasting to be a common spiritual exercise for you.  Let’s keep our flesh in check so our spirit man continues to grow in Christ!

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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