Manny Rivera

The Fight for the Inner Room

by | Jun 19, 2014 | Church, Leadership, Motivation

I’m in a season where I’m being challenged in creating a greater environment of intimacy with God. More than ever, I hear a call for me to separate myself to the inner room – some call it the secret place. I pray. I pray throughout the day…I pray continually…. But what I’m talking about is an uninterrupted time in the morning or late night when I meet with Him.

The inner room is not necessarily a physical place; it’s more of a condition and attitude of the heart that drives us to a physical location where we invest in private and intimate time with God.

The fight for purposeful living is for the inner room. Life has a way of consuming every waking moment with “stuff.” Stuff is ever-present; there will always be stuff!   But without the invested time of being separated to the inner room, we fall prey to living our lives in vain – without ever knowing the good, pleasing and perfect will of God.

I like what Heidi Baker said, “There is no fruitfulness without intimacy. You have to fight for your time of intimacy with God. Without intimacy with God, you have nothing to offer.”

If our goal is to be fruitful in what we do, then we MUST invest in who we are. And this is only attained in our inner room. I’ve come to realize that private battles will always produce public victories. Our intimate time with Him is the only key to effective and purposeful living. Make it count. Fight for the inner room!

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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