Manny Rivera

Finger of God

by | Jan 24, 2014 | Church, Motivation | 2 comments

All right, here’s the deal with God’s purpose for our lives in a very small nutshell…

God created the earth for humanity, who in turn, was created in His image with freewill to have dominion over the earth. Humanity, in order to have freewill, needed a tempter.  The tempter tempted humanity and humanity failed. Humanity disobeyed. It lost its ability to have dominion – (sin separated us.)

Enter Jesus.  He came and restored dominion back to humanity by His death and resurrection. Now, humanity has the ability to have dominion and live life in God’s purpose, will and intent.

With that said, understand this…. When we align ourselves to God’s intent and purpose for our lives, we become the finger of God on earth to execute His love and will on this world. But when we do nothing, then evil will continue to rule and reign over a lost humanity.

I like what Simon Wiesenthal said, “For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.”

Be the finger of God today.  Hunger for His purpose for your life. Do something.



Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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