Manny Rivera


by | May 4, 2012 | Church | 3 comments

Today, as I’m making final touches to Sunday’s message, I’m also making preparations to physically practice what I’ve been preaching.  Last week, we started a message series on the Church and Community.  It has to be the most practical yet powerful Biblical concept we’ve learned in years.  ICers, if you weren’t present last week, make sure to catch it online or on your iPhone or Android mobile phone app. 

I’m so excited about practicing community tonight.  Victoria and I invited a few very dear families to our home for fellowship and breaking of bread.  Tonight I won’t be “pastor,” I’ll be “FRIEND” and “CHEF.”  I’ll be cooking my world-famous prime rib!  OH YEAH!!

Acts 2:42 tells us that the church should pay attention to four things:


We don’t  have a severe problem with numbers 1 & 2.  But overall, I do believe that the church, the Body of Christ in our region, struggles with observing numbers 2 & 3.  Fellowship and the breaking of bread are as spiritual as praying, preaching and teaching.  It needs to be done more often and with many different people.  It’s the heart of unity, networking, connecting and building community! 

More of this on Sunday… And now, back to the PRIME RIB! 

Don’t wait for someone to reach out to you… Go ahead…invite someone to your table! 

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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