Manny Rivera


by | May 11, 2012 | Motivation | 4 comments

I’ve been challenged today between my getting and my giving.  In our lives, we’ll always give more precedence to one above the other.  The question we should ask ourselves daily, as believers, is, “Am I giving more than I’m getting?”

Throughout the day, it’s natural to “get” for us.  We get food. We get our time.  We get rest.  We get the things that we need in order to survive.  But unfortunately, we make it a life’s priority to “get” much, much more!

We have a sense of entitlement that compels us to get more for us because we’ve spent much energy in our “getting.”  So our lives is all about getting and getting and getting again.  We try to get popular… We try to get liked… We try to get rich… We try to get happy…. We get leisure. We get every craving satisfied…. It’s an endless battle to GET, GET, GET and GET.

Here’s why I’ve been challenged.  I too have fallen prey to the “getting cycle” many times.  But I’m realizing that my giving has to be as equal or more than my getting in order for me to fulfill the purpose of my life.

I must learn to give time to people and my family. I must give my love and affection to those who need it.  I must give my resources where God tells me. I must give my energy to eternal purposes.  I must give my talent and gifting to people who need that extra push, encouragement and inspiration.   My life should always be one BIG GIVE!

My giving must exceed my getting.  And that’s easily understood when I’ve realized that in my constant getting, a good portion of what I’ve “gotten” goes toward my giving.  After all you can’t give what you haven’t “gotten” (I know bad English…).

Here’s the deal, I heard it said many times… “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” 

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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