Manny Rivera

Hearing God’s Voice

by | May 21, 2012 | Doctrine, Motivation | 3 comments

Jesus said many times, “He who has an ear let him hear.”  According to the Bible, God has been communicating with us since the beginning.  When God seems silent, it’s not that He stopped speaking to us rather it’s us that stopped listening to him.

God is continually acting on our behalf.  He desires to communicate with us.  But unlike the days of old, when the Angel of the Lord would show up unannounced, God chooses to speak though His Spirit that’s now within us.  In the New covenant, the protocols have changed.

I know… some of you would rather see and hear a Theophany (physical manifestation of God).  Like Moses at the burning Bush or Gideon in the winepress, some of us would rather have it the easy way then to hear His still small voice speak softly to us.  I guess it’s a matter of proximity.  Just how close are you to God?

Here’s my take…. This “voice of God” thing is about faith, desire and pursuit.  Those who yearn to hear the voice of God, begin to eliminate all the other voices that contend for their attention. Not an easy task…  They learn the importance of removing self and subjugating it to the Word of God.  And since the only way we can operate in His kingdom is through faith, hearing the voice of God becomes an act of faith on our part. 

I believe we can hear God’s voice everyday if we wanted to.  But in order to do that, there must be a desire that’s validated by a pursuit of His presence.  As Moses had to climb the mountain to arrive at the Burning Bush, we too must embark on an everyday journey of ascent to hear Him clearly. That everyday journey is the development of the “ear that let’s us hear.”

He’s speaking… What are you doing to listen?

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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