Manny Rivera

Ignored on Facebook

by | May 19, 2012 | Motivation | 7 comments

I’m curious… Yesterday, I posted a Facebook status update and didn’t receive any comments.  As a matter of fact, I didn’t receive any “likes” either.  I was ignored and shutdown!  LOL! I posted the status on Friday morning, in the midst of all the numerous TGIF declarations.   Honesty, I got tired of seeing all the “weekend shout-outs.”  This is what I posted…

“Every Friday I see many status updates giving shout-outs for the WEEKEND. Does anyone ever enjoy Monday-Thursday? I do! Why is it that we have to “work for the weekend?” Where’s the enjoyment of living everyday? I love what I do! Here’s to the WEEKDAYS!

Are there that many people who are displaced in purpose and function?  I recently read in an article, in Live Science, which said that 61% of Americans are dissatisfied with their profession.  And there’s even a lower number of those under the age of 25.  Very sad.

Here’s my take… I find nothing wrong in loving weekends.  I especially love Sundays.  My issue is that “working for the weekends” only displays an imbalance of priorities and a confusion of purpose.  God made the whole week… each day… and said, “It was good” (Gen. 1).

I’m afraid that we, as a society, are addicted to pleasure and leisure and resistant to purpose and productivity.   But I know there’s life and celebration in both.  I believe joy can come from work and toil. How?  When recognize that the purpose of our jobs or careers is not about making a living, rather about making life. 

Much more to be said here…

Here’s to the Weekdays!

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

Copyright © 2025 Manny Rivera. All Rights Reserved.