Manny Rivera

It May Stink Sometimes…

by | Feb 7, 2014 | Church, MHC

I believe one of the greatest lies the enemy uses to disconnect christians from their God-given purpose is to convince them that they can serve God separate from belonging to a fellowship. 

Here’s my take… Jesus died for the world so when the world receives Him, they’ll become His church. The church became His arms, feet and voice.  How then can we even think that we can be his feet, hands and voice apart from the church? 

There is no personal purpose outside a corporate purpose.  In other words, your personal calling from God cannot and will not be fulfilled apart from your local church. This is just how God designed it! Oh I know….these people can drive you crazy sometimes! But never let it be an excuse to pull you away from the very thing Jesus built and is the head of (Colossians 1:18).

Read this the other day… It fits so well here!

“The Church is like Noah’s Ark, the only thing worse than the stench on the inside is the storm raging outside!” – Anonymous

Stay in the ARK and fulfill your purpose!


Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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