Manny Rivera

It’s More than just Community…

by | May 23, 2012 | Church, Doctrine | 5 comments

This Sunday, we begin our IMPACT OLYMPICS!  It’s going to be BIG and WILD!  Can’t wait!!!

The goal of these olympics is to create a cohesion within our congregation. And this cohesion forms community.  Here’s the definition of community”

Communitya society of people having common rights and privileges, common interests, living under the same laws and regulations, having a community spirit.

But this cohesion with our congregation requires more than the previous definition.  It requires COVENANT. Here’s the definition of covenant:

CovenantA treaty, alliance, league, constitution, ordinance, agreement, pledge, alliance between God and man and man to man. 

I believe the example of the church being an OIKOS  (household of believers) is defined not just as a community, but a COVENANT COMMUNITY. 

The Biblical concept of covenant community is depicted in the following statements:

  1. When people are more concerned with the corporate body than with themselves. Acts 4:32
  2. Individuals are knitted, built, framed, and joined together. This speaks of close, long-lasting and real friendships.
  3. The spirit of sacrifice becomes the attitude in which the church (covenant community) meets the needs of everyone.
  4. When team ministry is properly implemented to meet the needs of the church and the community.
  5. When the elderly retain the proper godly authority throughout their lives.
  6. Where the preaching of the Gospel and discipleship of people through relationships becomes the primary focus for every family.

Lastly, it’s explained through Acts 2:42, Impact’s Church’s 2012 power verse…

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer (Acts 2:42).

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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