Manny Rivera

Managing Paradoxes

by | May 1, 2012 | Motivation, Personal | 4 comments

For me, the most difficult thing to do in ministry is managing the paradoxes of the kingdom.   A paradox is an illogical contradiction.  It’s a statement, proposition, or situation that seems to be absurd or incongruous.  The Bible is full of them.  The reason being is that although we live in the world of man, we cannot operate according to it’s philosophy and rules.   We find ourselves going against the flow.

Below are examples of paradoxes we face everyday as believers.

  1. God’s strength through our weakness. II Cor. 12:10
  2. We receive through our giving.  Acts 20:35
  3. Our freedom by our servitude.  Rom. 6:18
  4. Gaining through losing.  Phil. 3:7-8
  5. We live through dying.  John 12:24
  6. Finding through losing.  Matt. 10:39

Jesus said, in Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”  I understand we are His church, but as a church planter and pastor I struggle with allowing Jesus to build His church.  The reason being is that we are the stewards who do all the work and make the decisions and in order to allow Jesus to build, He has to build through us.  That’s the hard part. It requires the following paradox:

  • Promotion and exaltation comes through humility. James 4:10

Let’s be honest… Exaltation and promotion that has any lasting fruit only comes by God doing His work in and through our lives.  And that only comes through HUMILITY.  When we humble ourselves in all things, we delete our intentions and connect with God’s purpose and plan.  I know, not easy… But who ever said that paradoxes were easy!

Help us Lord.  Help us to humble ourselves in order to manage the paradoxes of your Kingdom.  Not our will but YOURS be done! 

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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