Manny Rivera

Maturity Defined

by | Jul 8, 2014 | Doctrine, Leadership, Motivation | 1 comment

How is Christian maturity defined? In conversations with people throughout the years, I’ve come to realize that people have a tendency to equate knowledge with maturity and age with maturity.  It’s a common mistake. We’re encouraged and driven to study and learn about God and His Word. And although knowledge brings about a certain level of maturity, maturity cannot be defined as being knowledgeable. I’m all for education, but it’s possible to have information and be immature at the same time. And age? Christian maturity has nothing to do with physical maturity. Our spirit never ages; therefore even if we’re old in body, when it comes to the things of the Spirit time doesn’t play a factor. It might give us some wisdom in life, but it’s not a shoe-in for Christian maturity. I’ve seen many gray-haired babies in my years of ministry.

Christian maturity is not knowledge; it’s conduct. It’s your RESPONSE-ABILITY. It’s your ability to respond to life and its awkward situations. Maturity is determined by how you act not just what you know. Maturity is putting into practice what you know. It’s combining your KNOW-ledge with the ONE you KNOW. Maturity combines your information of Him with your relationship with Him, thus altering your conduct and strengthening your ability to obey God, especially in tough times.

One of the roles of the Holy Spirit in scripture is convicting us of sin (John. 16:8-10). He wants us to live a life that’s Holy for Him so we can accomplish all He has planned for us. We can’t arrive there without maturity. So, here’s a clue that you’re maturing as a Christian… When you’re being convicted about certain things in your life that affect your relationship with God – you’re maturing – especially if you’ve never been convicted of them before. So smile, God is calling you to a higher level of living! 

Get closer to Him. Let him change you. Allow your conduct to change FOR HIM not BECAUSE of Him. Changing for Him is relationship. Changing because of Him is religion.

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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