Manny Rivera


by | Sep 19, 2011 | Church | 10 comments

He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels. (Revelation 3:5)

This scripture has various schools of thought concerning its theology (Soteriology).  Many argue whether we can lose our salvation or not.  I say, conduct yourself like you can lose your salvation but be secure in your mind enough to know that he will always have enough grace for your mistakes and failures.

But I want to share from a different point of view.  Our life in Christ is simply a series of acts of obedience to directives that are given to us by God. That is what purpose is about. Label it whatever you want to label it… your calling or your mission.  It is exactly that, an instruction – an assignment, given by God that will require less of you and more of him. It will necessitate faithfulness and the giving of your life.

Our purpose is a series of levels.  Reaching new levels is only acquired by finishing what was required in the prior level.  Graduating from Junior High school and entering Senior High school can never be achieved unless there is proof of finishing the requirements in junior high school.  This principle is duplicated in every aspect of our natural lives.  When you are promoted in life, you are promoted from the top of one level to the bottom of the next.  This is where overcoming and endurance takes place.

At the end it’s about enduring and overcoming.  God has given us the ability to do both.  It’s as simple as making a choice to engage in our purpose and design.  It will take a lot of dying, but even in dying, God has given us the grace to do so.  You were designed to live and to die.  Therefore, press forward.  Overcome to the end… Be whom God intended for you to be… Whatever you do NEVER QUIT! – Trust me I know….

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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