Manny Rivera


by | Aug 9, 2010 | Motivation | 14 comments

I’m trying to learn to navigate through the waters of change.  It’s not an easy task to say the least. The implementation of change is as difficult as accepting change.  It’s obvious that change occurs in the mind before it’s manifested in the natural; but the process of manifesting change can be quite daunting.

I’m learning that when the Lord begins to lead you into a direction of change, its concept must be contained in a new environment.  It’s what Jesus was talking about… new wine must be stored in new wineskins.  If new wine were stored in an old wineskin, the old wineskin would burst wasting the new wine!  Luke 5:33-39

What’s difficult with me is NOT processing the concept of a new direction rather the placement of the new in a new wineskin or mental culture. Unfortunately, we all tend to hold on to our old concepts and old ways of doing things – we all have our “sacred cows.”  This switch is much needed in order to contain and manifest change.  This is where I am currently… But I feel we will make it and it’s going to be great!  GOOD TIMES!

Pastor Manny

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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