Manny Rivera


by | Jan 8, 2011 | Leadership, Motivation | 6 comments

I’m aware that this is the season of resolutions.  Resolutions are not resolutions without resolve. To resolve is to come to come an earnest and definite decision – to determine.  Resolutions are the decisions that are made with a determination.  Without determination there are only empty resolutions.

I love the word “desire.”  Its etymology is Latin, which means (de – Sire) “from the Father.” I believe desires come from God and lusts come from our flesh.  But desires cannot be satisfied without a resolve.  To resolve means that we must carry a disciplined determination to fulfill our desires.  Its perspective must carry worth and value in order for us to pay the price in our discipline and determination.

During this January season of resolutions, make sure that you make a distinction between desires and lusts.  Desires glorify God through you; lusts will only glorify you. Resolve in your heart that your desires will be followed with a discipline and determination.  And if it’s a true desirefrom the Father – then it will carry within it a power of completion…. that’s only if we have the resolve to achieve it.

God’s desire + our determination = fulfilled resolutions.

Blog entry #8  – Taking INITIATIVE!


Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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