Manny Rivera


by | Aug 25, 2010 | MHC, Motivation | 14 comments

Preacher and author, R.T. Kendall, in his book The Anointing, said,  “The greatest opposition to what God is doing today comes from those who were on the cutting edge of what God was doing yesterday.

In the last three months, my heart and mind has been on an unending quest for direction and for the breath of God to blow new life in our church and me. But I’ve realized in order for that to happen I must we must rid ourselves of some “sacred cows.”

The term, sacred cow, is an allusion to the Hindu reverence for cows. Their religious belief of reincarnation leads them to believe that the infinite about of “steak and prime rib” walking the street is their dead family member.  All the while people are dying of hunger…  I know… it crazy… But that is where we get the term “sacred cow”.  It’s any thing that’s too highly regarded to be open to criticism or curtailment.

I’m learning the following…

I cannot allow my experience to become a trap.  Now, experience is like gold; it’s invaluable wisdom.  It is important that we log and leverage all of our experience, not so we can glory and reminisce of the good ole’ days, but to use it only as a foundation to build the new and the fresh.

Old methods, processes and even relationships that used to be cutting edge at one time can easily become sacred cows.  They have a way of blinding us from new possibilities and potential.  We, as a church, must fight to never become a closed system.  The only things we need to hold dearly to is our Biblical doctrinal beliefs and our core values, everything else is subject to change.   We must be willing to slay, on the altar of sacrifice, every “sacred cow”  and allow for new bold and fresh ideas of serving God and expanding His kingdom to be revealed to us.

For this is what is about to happen in MHC!

Anxious to read your thoughts,

Pastor Manny

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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