Manny Rivera

Sunday’s Notes

by | Feb 2, 2011 | Church, Motivation | 6 comments

A few people have asked me for my notes from last Sunday.  It was the last message of the IMPACT INITIATIVE SERIES. I can now officially declare, in regards to 2011, “We are on our way! “

Our assignment this year, as a church, is to build a culture of prayer, reaching and teaching.   All the sermons this year will have this common thread within them.  It’ll be like adding a certain vitamin or protein to our spiritual diet. For the old adage is forever true. “We are what we eat.”

Here are some of the notes I used last Sunday in regards to prayer:

  • Always remember this, our prayers will always outlive us.
  • There have been moments in my life when the Holy Spirit has whispered to my spirit: “I’m answering the prayers of your mother in your life right now. “
  • There is no divine intervention that occurs in the affairs of men except in response to prayer.
  • We lean too much on the “sovereignty of God” concept.  Any definition of the sovereignty of God that makes us irresponsible needs to be replaced with the correct view of scripture.  In other words, though God is sovereign, we have a responsibility to connect with His sovereignty – that only occurs through prayer.


      • We have a responsibility to know our assignment. And that assignment will not be known outside of prayer – Therefore we have a responsibility to PRAY
      • God made the heavens for himself and the earth for men to have dominion over with delegated authority.
      • Our delegated authority is prayerIMPACT PRAYER is simply engaging in the contract He has with us, in stewarding the earth we live in.
      • God can still do what he pleases; He is sovereign… but limits himself in the affairs of men, unless someone prays.
      • Not even the messiah was sent unless someone prayed…  Anna and Simeon were  PEOPLE OF IMPACT.  They were INTERCESSORS… they prayed for JESUS  to come. (Luke 2)
      • Even for the return of the Lord – Revelation says The Spirit and the Bride say come… (A prayer) We must pray it all in!
      • We have the responsibility to interact with heaven, with God himself, to affect this world to become like His.
      • intercessors typically don’t make headlines, but if you read between the lines, they are the ones writing His-story!

      Blog entry #31 – Responsibility = Prayer


      Manny Rivera

      At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

      Copyright © 2025 Manny Rivera. All Rights Reserved.