Manny Rivera


by | Jul 20, 2010 | Motivation | 25 comments

I was told as a young man training in ministry to “be myself…don’t copy other preachers and don’t wear a façade… be yourself.” Well, I took that advice in verbatim  – probably too literal :-).  Well, I’ve been occasionally accused of being a bit controversial and too blunt – ok… it’s been more than occasional but who’s counting!

I just have a deep desire to be real.  People live REAL LIVES with REAL ISSUES and need REAL ANSWERS.  I’ve come to understand that “the truth” will always be confrontational.  Therefore, why should the messenger be passive in telling it?  The prophets weren’t passive, John the Baptist wasn’t passive and neither were Jesus and the Apostles.

As a matter of fact, the Bible itself is quite direct, blunt and candid.  If rated today by the Motion Picture Association of America it would have a very hard-core “R” rating. Within it’s pages and books there is murder, lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, violence, fornication, sodomy, witch craft, abuse, incest, blasphemy, etc…  But it also vividly communicates God’s judgment, along with His love, mercy and grace toward humanity.  It dramatically depicts the difference between the wickedness of humanity compared to the holiness of God.

The Bible is as real as our lives are today.  For the record, I’m NOT condoning watching “R” rated movies and living as the heathen do but I do want to communicate for us to live our lives with sincerity and realness.  We need to use the Word of God as a guideline and rule of how we should navigate through this life.  It’s blunt and direct.  Its words are words of life.  Its truth will set us free!  It’s real!

Anxious to read your thoughts,

Pastor Manny

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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