Manny Rivera

The Heart of an Intercessor

by | Feb 29, 2012 | Motivation | 4 comments

I wanted to share this with you.  It comes from Maritza Cruz-Capeles.  She’s a member of our Preaching and Prayer team.  As part of the training in those teams, it’s their responsibility to share what God has been saying and doing in their lives.  I was moved by her passion, I pray that you are as well.

 I have been unsettled in my spirit all day.  I’m in conflict with a desire to “be” more than just “do.”  I believe we are coming to a time where mere words are not enough, and the roar of the engine doesn’t mean much if there is no power!  

In prayer today,  I came to a point of desperation.  I so desire for the church (and myself as part of the body of Christ) to operate in the heavenly realm.  But the more I think about it, and the more I ask God about it, the more I come to the realization that it’s not up to God but up to me!   I must create an atmosphere in me. I must seek, desire, want, long for, make myself available, become quiet, listen, be undisturbed, not think to highly of myself, submit to His will, and at the end of the day, except his grace when I fail along with forgiving myself and others  daily. 

Father in heaven, what a burden in the heart of the intercessor…
which you make light, as we take on your yoke
and follow you!


Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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