Manny Rivera


by | Nov 3, 2010 | Doctrine, Leadership, Motivation | 6 comments

Much is said about positioning and placement in the Kingdom of God.  As believers, it’s very healthy to have an understanding as to whose we are, where we belong and what we’re supposed to do.  The understanding of purpose and the realization of destiny are founded on these challenges.  And all of them reveal and define our specific placement in Christ.

There are many components, which play into this journey of discovery, that need to be recognized, but one stands out above them all. These components are commonly understood as education, knowledge, wisdom, perceptively, relationships, gifting, etc. But the one that stands above all and is the foundation of them all is what the Lord calls the Secret Place.

The Secret Place is the personal “place” we give to the Lord in adoration, worship, meditation and prayer.  It’s only from that place that all the facets and components align in order to put us in God’s perfect place of purpose.  It’s only in the Secret Place that men and women of God are shaped and fashioned!

The Secret place is not a physical location per say, rather a place given to the Lord from us that requires our time and attention.  Without an active Secret Place, we’re useless in His kingdom and our understanding of the Kingdom becomes garbled, which in turn, causes us to come up with our own conclusions of destiny.  And unfortunately, this behavior leads us to disappointments.

Create and maintain your Secret Place! Give to Him so He can give to you – so you can give to people!  Be found useful…

He who dwells in the SECRET PLACE of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty… (Ps 91:1)


Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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