Manny Rivera

There is MORE! I Promise!

by | Jan 17, 2014 | Church, Motivation | 2 comments

Why do we seem to get stuck in our walk with Christ?  Through my 28 years of knowing Him, I’m discovering that many times I’ve confused His ultimate intent for me with His initial intent for me.

The pursuit of our God-given purpose should be our primary endeavor in life. With it comes prayer, worship, study, fellowship, etc. It’s the reason for our existence.

Here’s the problem… Purpose is dynamic not static.  It evolves with our understanding and maturity in Christ. His initial intent is seasonal. Its function is to carry us to His ultimate intent.  But when we conclude in our thinking that there is NO more, we get bored with the “initial” and never encounter the “ultimate.”

I’m not certain whether any of us will ever encounter God’s ultimate intent… but maybe the constant and faithful pursuit of it is the, ever elusive, “ultimate intent of God.”  🙂

I want to be an ULTIMATE guy!  I can never be satisfied. There is more!

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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