Manny Rivera

Understanding Constant Change

by | Jun 6, 2017 | Motivation, Personal | 5 comments

Life, in order to be considered life, demands movement. Whether we like it or not, our lives are a journey. The simple mechanics of this journey is a continual forward progression. And within this forward progression of life is the constant process of change.

Our journey on this planet has a beginning and an end. And within the beginning and the end is a journey full of adventure, risks, uncertainty, failures and victories. The objective of our journey is to have completed the will and purpose of God. A key factor in achieving this successfully is the understanding that change is forever constant.

In 26 years of ministry, I’ve come to realize that most people, though in a constant journey of change, fight the process of change. We fight it physically, mentally and spiritually.   We fight the aging process (no comment on that one); the learning process (many refuse to engage in learning curves); and the spiritual growth process (we lose our holy curiosity).

Obtaining a desire for change is a major contributing factor in winning at the end of our journey. I agree, change can be difficult and painful but without it the journey ceases to exist.

Here’s some things I’ve learned about change. They’ve helped Victoria and me stay the course in our journey.

  1. Change is not change until it’s changed. The journey changes; look for it.
  2. Understanding change brings clarity to directional changes. It develops discernment.
  3. Although change can be intimidating, change is your friend. Don’t be afraid of it.
  4. We serve a changeless God that’s ALWAYS working a change in us. His objective is that we become more like Him – and that occurs through constant change.
  5. The pain of change is much better than the pain of staying the same. Growth is painful, it always has been. But the pain of refusing to move forward in the journey can have eternal implications.
  6. Change is understood and embraced when we live with eternity in mind.
  7. Change and inconvenience are cousins (more like brothers).
  8. The willingness to embrace personal change will bring about the power to cause public change.
  9. Long seasons of preparation give birth to perpetual seasons of change. When nothing is happening, keep preparing. Wait for it. Look for it. Big changes are coming!
  10. Your willingness for change must equal your understanding of change in order for change to do its proper work. It’s one thing to know about it; it’s another to engage in it.

These last 12 months have brought to our family the greatest directional and growth changes in the last 17 years. We’ve prepared for it and are ready to engage in the assignment God has given us. It’s opened the world to us. It’s brought great people in our lives. We’ve embraced change with no regrets. Our desire is to follow our God-given journey of constant change.

Are you preparing for change?

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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