I’m not sure about anyone else, but I just can’t fathom the thought of turning on the heater when living in the Miami-Dade area. It has been unseasonably cold in consecutive days down here! Call me a cheap skate – but I give a victory cry when I open up my electric bill and it’s under $400! Yea I know, some of you are saying that’s still high… but not for my family! There are a lot of us. We do a lot of cooking and washing of clothes. You see, in South Florida, from what I’ve read, the greatest pull on your electric is your air conditioner. So, during this time there will be NO CONDITIONING OF AIR – especially the heater!
So during cold weather times, I take advantage. I prefer to refer to myself as a wise steward. My winter philosophy, when it comes to thermostat management, is that you can always add another layer if you think it’s too cold!
Nothing says Merry Christmas like wearing gloves and a skully in your living room! 🙂
This is what temperature we’ve been living in. What yours?