Manny Rivera

WHEN You Pray…

by | Nov 1, 2010 | MHC, Motivation | 6 comments

A Scottish theologian by the name of P.T. Forsyth said something that has forever taken me to a place of conviction and order. He said, “The greatest sin is prayerlessness.” And in all reality all that is wrong in our lives, by doing or not doing, can be traced back to the behavior of “prayerlessness.”

Prayer was such a normal part of the Jewish culture that when Jesus taught about it He came from an assumption that Jews prayed…and they did.  Prayer was engraved in the Hebrew culture.  It was a nation that was birthed because of prayer.  Abraham was not just a man of faith; he was a man of prayer.  As a matter of fact, he was a man of faith because he was a man of prayer.

When Jesus was teaching on prayer and gave to us the outline to pray which we call the “Lord’s Prayer” or the “our Father, ”He said this… …“When you pray, say: Our father which art in heaven….” (Luke 11:2)  He didn’t say “if” you pray; He said “WHEN” you pray.  Prayer has never been an option.  To think it so is not just asinine but lethal to our own Christian experience.  As believers, we have various responsibilities.  But there is one responsibility, if not observed, all others are become obsolete – that is PRAYER.

Keep on Praying… Don’t stop!

Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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