Manny Rivera

Where is Your Trust Tied?

by | May 22, 2014 | Motivation | 2 comments

I’ve been a student of adversity for some time now. I’ve observed how people are either overcome by adversity or overwhelmed by it. I’ve studied both Christians and agnostics in how they deal with adversity, hardship and difficulty – whether it’s a loss of a loved one, persecution or sickness. I believe I’ve come up with a conclusion – I’ll try to compact it in a couple of paragraphs.

I believe the answer is where we anchor our trust. Our trust is either tied to external or internal anchors. In the package of life there will always be adversity. And although we like to ignore it, adversity is as part of life as happiness. External anchors are people (family & friends), possessions, property, finances, achievements, pride, etc. Internal anchors are God, His Word and our faith in Him alone.

Adversity, misfortune, difficulty and trouble are inevitable. They’re coming. The question is where have you tied your trust? When tied to external anchors, adversity creates havoc and eventually destroys; but when tied to internal anchors, adversity becomes an incubator for growth and potential. It’s tied to the one who can do the impossible.  It’s tied to the one who can calm the storm at His command.  It’s tied to the one who will never leave us or forsake us.  

Where is your trust tied?


Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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