Manny Rivera


by | Nov 12, 2010 | Leadership, MHC, Motivation | 6 comments

Today, we conclude our 5 part blog series on why our prayers are hindered.  I’m discovering prayer more and more in my life.  I know volumes have been written on it even though it’s not a popular subject among believers, but without it, it’s really impossible be a believer! And always remember, who and what we are, is only a result of prayer or a LACK of it.

We must be awake and discerning. One prayer that I always keep before the Lord… that the eyes of my understanding be opened so I can discern between good and bad and even more, between good and best.

Which brings me to my final point… #5 – here we go…

5.  Lack of spiritual discernment

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter. 5:8)

  • I’ve been to Africa a few times and have witnessed this with my own eyes.  Lions in the wild blend within their surroundings. Satan can be right there in front of you yet you still do not notice him! Why? A lack of spiritual discernment.
  • Satan preys on our lack of knowledge and understanding of God’s Word and of the spiritual world.
  • He tries to hinder even the answers to prayer that are coming from God. Daniel prayed and fasted 21 days before an angel finally came with the answer to prayer (Dan. 10:12–13).
  • James 4:7 says… “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” We must understand that Satan is a resister to our prayers. And he has the power to do so if we fail to SUBMIT to GOD.
  • We get easily blinded in thinking that our prayers are being effective and all the while we are not SUBMITTING to God’s conviction in our lives.
  • We must be discerning enough to recognize the trap of deception we’re in so our prayers won’t be hindered by the Devil.
  • Lastly, our lack of submission which causes an inability to resist the devil gives him authority to hinder our prayers.

Let’s be a discerning and submitted  church…and let’s bombard heaven with our prayers!!!

Have a great weekend!


Manny Rivera

At the age of 18, he answered the call of God on his life and has given his life to the cause ever since.

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